This image shows Theresa Müller

Theresa Müller


Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics


+49 711 685 61674
+49 711 685 66583

Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Room: V7 2.007

Office Hours

Appointment by arrangement.

  1. Müller, T., & Leistner, P. (2023). Integrative Ansätze zur Körperschallentkopplung im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau.
  2. Müller, T., Flemming, D., Janowsky, I., Di Bari, R., Harder, N., & Leistner, P. (2021). Bauphysikalische und ökologische Potenziale von Gebäuden in Holzbauweise. Bauphysik, 43(3), Article 3.
  3. Müller, T., Krtschil, A., & Leistner, P. (2024). Replication Data for: Structural and acoustic behavior of a timber slab with wooden tuned mass dampers : Experimental Data: Modal Analysis of the small-scale timber plate with and without tuned mass damper.
  4. Bucklin, O., Müller, T., Amtsberg, F., Leistner, P., & Menges, A. (2023). Analysis of thermal Transmittance, air Permeability, and hygrothermal behavior of a solid timber building envelope. Energy and Buildings, 299, 113629.
  5. Müller, T., & Di Bari, R. (2022). Akustisches Verhalten von Holzgeschossdecken ökologisch neu gestalten. Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 45–48.
  6. Müller, T., & Leistner, P. (2022). Integrative Ansätze zur Schwingungsreduzierung von Holzgeschossdecken. Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 292–295.
  7. Müller, T., Borschewski, D., Albrecht, S., Leistner, P., & Späh, M. (2021). The Dilemma of Balancing Design for Impact Sound with Environmental Performance in Wood Ceiling Systems : A Building Physics Perspective. Sustainability, 13(16), Article 16.
  8. Müller, T., Borschewski, D., Albrecht, S., Leistner, P., & Späh, M. (2021). The Dilemma of Balancing Design for Impact Sound with Environmental Performance in Wood Ceiling Systems—A Building Physics Perspective. Sustainability, 13(16), Article 16.
  9. Müller, T., Krtschil, A., Mahler, M., Knippers, J., & Leistner, P. (2024). Structural and acoustic behavior of a timber slab with wooden tuned mass dampers. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 17.
  • Hygothermische Bauteilmodellierung (SS 21)

Theresa Müller is a research associate at the Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics (IABP) at the University of Stuttgart and a member of the EXC 2120 Cluster of Excellence – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture. Her research focuses on the potentials and requirements of timber construction systems in terms of building physics. In particular, building and room acoustics as well as hygrothermal aspects and thermal comfort are taken into consideration.

  • Computational Design, Engineering and Development of digitally fabricated Multi-storey Wood Building System (EXC 2120, Research Project 3)
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