Ein Laptop und eine Thermographiekamera

Online Teaching

Teaching at IABP

In the virtual laboratories and simulations developed by IABP, experiments on building physics phenomena can be conducted independently of time and location.

For a holistic further education in building physics the processing of metrological tasks is indispensable. To enable a large number of students to carry out experiments, numerous virtual laboratories have been developed at IABP. Further interactive animations help to explain complex issues in an understandable way. These are available to students on the ILIAS learning platform in the respective courses.

Web Portal "Building Physical Modernization of old Buildings"

The necessity of a building physics education for all those involved in construction is undisputed. Such knowledge is indispensable, especially in the modernization of old buildings, because of the complex interrelationships of modernization measures. For this purpose, this web portal was developed at the Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics (at that time: Chair of Building Physics) at the University of Stuttgart with the aim of making a scientifically substantiated contribution in a form that is accessible to and easily understandable for all those involved in the building process, from craftsmen to interested building owners. In addition, the aim of the portal is to convey both the building physics basics and constructive solutions for the modernization of old buildings, in addition to the reference to the old building. 

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