Department Life Cycle Engineering – GaBi

Research for a future worth living

Decision support in the life cycle of innovative products and technologies - identifying risks and highlighting opportunities

The research field of the department includes ecological, socio-economic as well as technical analysis and optimization from process to product. The sustainability studies connect the built and the natural environment with each other: From the provision of energy, the production of materials, the recovery and recycling of high-quality material flows to the mobility, construction and living of today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Research work covers a wide range of topics such as novel mobility concepts, renewable energy sources and energy storage, bio-based materials, functionally integrated materials and components, circular economy, resource efficiency and lightweight construction, land use and biodiversity.

Our Fields of Activity and Research Topics

Arbeitsgebiet Energie und Mobilität

Energy and Mobility

Life cycle assessment analyses and development of methods for environmentally friendly product development with a focus on renewable power generation, energy supply and storage systems, synthetic fuels from renewable energies, internal combustion engine and electrified drive and vehicle concepts, battery and fuel cell technologies.

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Arbeitsgebiet Werkstoffe und Produktsysteme

Materials and Product Systems

Life cycle assessment and environmentally friendly product development with focus on innovative research and development in the fields of adaptive envelopes and structures, renewable resources, plastics and composites, packaging systems, recycling and energy cost sensitivity of materials.

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Arbeitsgebiet Nachhaltiges Bauen

Sustainable Building

Sustainability analyses and assessment tools at all levels of construction with a focus on building products, building elements and building systems, buildings and structures, quarters and cities.

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Forschungsthemen der Abteilung Ganzheitliche Bilanzierung

Our Research Topics

New technologies, ever more complex processes and value-added chains, and constant social and global change are creating new framework conditions that require further scientific thinking and rethinking.

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Contact and Directions

We are located in the STEP-Engineering Park.

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In the module "Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability" we offer lectures and exercises on holistic balancing.


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