Studying while working

Addressing acoustic issues, requirements and demands is part of the daily work in many fields and professions. The spectrum of tasks in companies and engineering offices across all industries, but also in authorities and institutions, ranges from noise protection to acoustic product design. Accordingly, the thematic focal points are reflected in the MASTER:ONLINE ACOUSTICS degree program, which is aimed at those interested in furthering their education in the field of acoustics in a practice-oriented, wellfounded and extra occupationally relevant manner. This enables a hybrid form of teaching with 80% online and 20% attendance phases. Prerequisites are a degree in engineering or a related professional qualification as well as one year of professional experience.

Since the winter semester 2017/18, interested students can continue their education in the field of acoustics on a part-time basis. The Master Online Acoustics program imparts in-depth knowledge and is oriented to current needs in practice. The unique academic degree "MASTER OF ACOUSTICS" (M.Ac.) enriches the professional development of graduates, increases their career opportunities and entitles them to a doctorate.


This image shows Philip Leistner

Philip Leistner

Prof. Dr.-Ing.


This image shows Matthias Brodbeck

Matthias Brodbeck


Manager of Master Online Akustik

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