This image shows Ann-Kathrin Briem

Ann-Kathrin Briem


Institute of Acoustics and Building Physics
Department Life Cycle Engineering


+49 711 9703164
+49 711 9703190

Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

  • Briem, A.-K.; Olaya Pinto, D. M.; Albrecht, S.; Katz, H. (2020): LCA of industrial scale rearing and processing of Hermetia illucens. Poster at the 14th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2020, online 13-16.10.2020
  • Briem, A.-K.; Betten, T.; Wehner, D. (2019): Personalized Life Cycle Assessment - Reflecting Individuality Within the Methodological Framework. Matériaux & Techniques 107, 507 (2019), DOI:
  • Briem, A.-K.; Betten, T.; Held, M.; Wehner, D.; Baumann, M. (2019): Environmental Sustainability in the Context of Mass Personalisation - Quantification of the Carbon Footprint with Life Cycle Assessment. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM), Vol.10 No 2, June 2019, pp. 171-180, ISSN 2217-2661, DOI:
  • Betten, T., Wehner, D., Hämmerl, R., Briem, A.-K., Zheng, M. (2019): Assessing potential environmental benefits of planned product obsolescence based on individual user behaviour by life cycle assessment and scenario analysis. 3rd PLATE 2019 Conference, 18-20 September 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • Held, M.; Wehner; D.; Hämmerl, R.; Dangelmaier; M.; Briem, A.-K.; Reif; C., Wulle, F. (2018): Personalization in the automotive and building sector – research program of the High-Performance Center »Mass Personalization« in Stuttgart; 8th international conference on Mass Customization & Personalization Community of Europe (MCP-CE), Novi Sad, Serbia, 2018,
  • Briem, A.-K.; Held, M.; Dimmler, B.: Life Cycle Assessment of CIGS PV Modules (2018): Update of Current Production Conditions in Germany and Investigation of a Planned Factory in China; 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), Brussels, Belgium, 2018, DOI:
  • Briem, A.-K.; Lozanovski, A.; Baumann, M. (2014): LBP-Mitteilung 71 Ökobilanzielle Betrachtung eines London Taxi mit Brennstoffzelle. Universität Stuttgart, Lehrstuhl für Bauphysik, Stuttgart, Germany, 2014.
  • Module “Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability” 
    • GaBi Software tutorial (since WS 18/19)
    • Project-based tutorial (since WS 20/21)
  • Sustainability assessment in the area of "Mass Personalization"
    • Investigation of the opportunities and risks of the trend for a sustainable development
    • Consideration of individual aspects in LCA as a basis for action-oriented communication of scientific results, e.g. to support decision-making on environmentally relevant issues of individuals.
  • Life cycle assessments (LCA) in the field of renewable energy systems and mobility concepts, e.g.
    • Ecologically optimized production of different photovoltaic modules
    • Assessment of fuel cell systems
  • Accompanying research on the subject of microbially produced biosurfactants
    • Use of renewable raw materials and alternative substrates, e.g. insect oil
    • Ecological optimization of fermentation and purification processes
    • Use of biosurfactants in various (end)products

For further information on the current research projects of Ms. Briem, please visit:


Bachelor‘s theses

  • Literature research and analysis of the applicability of methods for measuring environmental awareness in Life Cycle Assessment. (2020)

Student research papers (graduate studies)

  • Analysis of environmental sustainability aspects through user involvement in personalized product development processes. (2021) (Co-supervision with IAT)

 Master‘s theses

  • Life cycle assessment of insect oil. (2019)
  • Life Cycle Assessment of downstream processing for biotechnological products using biosurfactants as an example. (2021)
  • Analysis of ecological potentials of bioeconomic systems using the example of microbial biosurfactants. (2021)


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